Professional ice cream taste testers use special gold spoons which allow the tester to taste the product with virtually no trace of flavor left over from what was last on the spoon

InterestingFacts, Monsoon, IcecreamTime, IceCreamLovers, FrostyLips, Vimal, IceCream

Vimal Ice Cream,  InterestingFacts, Monsoon, IcecreamTime, IceCreamLovers, FrostyLips, Vimal, IceCream

Professional ice cream taste-testers use special gold spoons which allow the tester to taste the product with virtually no trace of flavor left over from what was last on the spoon. #InterestingFacts #Monsoon #IcecreamTime #IceCreamLovers #FrostyLips #Vimal #IceCream

Professional ice cream taste-testers use special gold spoons which allow the tester to taste the product with virtually no trace of flavor left over from what was last on the spoon. #InterestingFacts #Monsoon #IcecreamTime #IceCreamLovers #FrostyLips #Vimal #IceCream

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