Grab your box of Choco Brownie Fudge amp enjoy it with pleasant weather

Monsoon, IcecreamTime, IceCreamLovers, FrostyLips, Vimal, IceCream, VimalIceCream, Ahmedabad

Vimal Ice Cream,  Monsoon, IcecreamTime, IceCreamLovers, FrostyLips, Vimal, IceCream, VimalIceCream, Ahmedabad

Grab your box of Choco Brownie Fudge & enjoy it with pleasant weather.

#Monsoon #IcecreamTime #IceCreamLovers #FrostyLips #Vimal #IceCream #VimalIceCream #Ahmedabad

Grab your box of Choco Brownie Fudge & enjoy it with pleasant weather. #Monsoon #IcecreamTime #IceCreamLovers #FrostyLips #Vimal #IceCream #VimalIceCream #Ahmedabad

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