Tiffin Treats Fun bhi Healthy bhi Wondering how to astonish your little one Check out the step by step recipe of Kadhai Paneer Pasta and consider your deal done Don t forget to add the chilling companion Kesar Lassi to his her lunch

SpecialRecipe, KadhaiPaneerPasta, PaneerPasta, KesarLassi, TiffinTreats, Vimal, IceCream, VimalIceCream, Ahmedabad

:::Tiffin Treats, Fun bhi, Healthy bhi::: Wondering, how to astonish your little one? Check out the step-by-step recipe of Kadhai Paneer Pasta and consider your deal done. Don't forget to add the chilling companion 'Kesar Lassi' to his/her lunch!
#SpecialRecipe #KadhaiPaneerPasta #PaneerPasta #KesarLassi #TiffinTreats #Vimal #IceCream #VimalIceCream #Ahmedabad

:::Tiffin Treats, Fun bhi, Healthy bhi::: Wondering, how to astonish your little one? Check out the step-by-step recipe of Kadhai Paneer Pasta and consider your deal done. Don't forget to add the chilling companion 'Kesar Lassi' to his/her lunch! #SpecialRecipe #KadhaiPaneerPasta #PaneerPasta #KesarLassi #TiffinTreats #Vimal #IceCream #VimalIceCream #Ahmedabad

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