The youth should remain as cool as the ice cream Wishing more calmness to the youth

internationalyouthday, youthday, youthday2021, youth, Vimal, IceCream, Ahmedabad, HappyScooping, RaspberryDolly

Vimal Ice Cream,  internationalyouthday, youthday, youthday2021, youth, Vimal, IceCream, Ahmedabad, HappyScooping, RaspberryDolly

The youth should remain as cool as the ice-cream;
Wishing more calmness to the youth!

#internationalyouthday #youthday #youthday2021 #youth #Vimal #IceCream #Ahmedabad #HappyScooping #RaspberryDolly

The youth should remain as cool as the ice-cream; Wishing more calmness to the youth! #internationalyouthday #youthday #youthday2021 #youth #Vimal #IceCream #Ahmedabad #HappyScooping #RaspberryDolly

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