Paying tribute to the revolutionary reformer amp the legendary freedom fighter of incredible India

Remembering, FreedomFighter, SaheedBhagatSingh, BirthAnniversary, Tribute, VimalIceCream, IceCreamLovers, Vimal, IceCream, Ahmedabad

Vimal Ice Cream,  Remembering, FreedomFighter, SaheedBhagatSingh, BirthAnniversary, Tribute, VimalIceCream, IceCreamLovers, Vimal, IceCream, Ahmedabad

Paying tribute to the revolutionary reformer & the legendary freedom fighter of incredible India.

#Remembering #FreedomFighter #SaheedBhagatSingh #BirthAnniversary #Tribute #VimalIceCream #IceCreamLovers #Vimal #IceCream #Ahmedabad

Paying tribute to the revolutionary reformer & the legendary freedom fighter of incredible India. #Remembering #FreedomFighter #SaheedBhagatSingh #BirthAnniversary #Tribute #VimalIceCream #IceCreamLovers #Vimal #IceCream #Ahmedabad

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