He knew what a country needs and ensured to practice it Remembering Mr Atal Bihari Bajpayee the former Prime Minister of India on his birthday

ShriAtalBihariVajpayee, BirthAnniversary, VimalIceCream, Icecreamisbae, Happiness, LoveForIcecream, IcecreamTime, IceCreamLovers

Vimal Ice Cream,  ShriAtalBihariVajpayee, BirthAnniversary, VimalIceCream, Icecreamisbae, Happiness, LoveForIcecream, IcecreamTime, IceCreamLovers

He knew what a country needs and ensured to practice it. Remembering Mr. Atal Bihari Bajpayee, the former Prime Minister of India on his birthday.

#ShriAtalBihariVajpayee #BirthAnniversary #VimalIceCream #Icecreamisbae #Happiness #LoveForIcecream #IcecreamTime #IceCreamLovers https://t.co/Z8qu3Rl9nl

He knew what a country needs and ensured to practice it. Remembering Mr. Atal Bihari Bajpayee, the former Prime Minister of India on his birthday. #ShriAtalBihariVajpayee #BirthAnniversary #VimalIceCream #Icecreamisbae #Happiness #LoveForIcecream #IcecreamTime #IceCreamLovers https://t.co/Z8qu3Rl9nl

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