A gem who used to light up the screen space with his versatility a Genius of Cinema

RIPRanbirKapoor, IcecreamTime, IceCreamLovers, FrostyLips, Vimal, IceCream, VimalIceCream, Ahmedabad

Vimal Ice Cream,  RIPRanbirKapoor, IcecreamTime, IceCreamLovers, FrostyLips, Vimal, IceCream, VimalIceCream, Ahmedabad

A gem who used to light up the screen space with his versatility - a Genius of Cinema.
#RIPRanbirKapoor #IcecreamTime #IceCreamLovers #FrostyLips #Vimal #IceCream #VimalIceCream #Ahmedabad

A gem who used to light up the screen space with his versatility - a Genius of Cinema. #RIPRanbirKapoor #IcecreamTime #IceCreamLovers #FrostyLips #Vimal #IceCream #VimalIceCream #Ahmedabad

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